SAFER extends its Open Call to implement pilots into seafood organisations
18 May 2022
SAFER partnership is extending the OpenCall to implement Industry 4.0 technological solutions - New deadline 29 July 2022
SAFER partnership is extending its Open Call to implement Industry 4.0 technological solutions that provide efficient processes, improved and sustainable production and aims to support the seafood industry through the introduction of new solutions that will help them to be more effective, competitive and sustainable. The new deadline to submit applications is 29 July 2022.
Organisations operating within the seafood sector, located in the Interreg Atlantic Area and interested in improving their processes and products by adopting new technologies and solutions.
We offer Industry 4.0 technological solutions that provide more efficient processes and improved and sustainable production. Participants can choose among 3 main types of solutions:
- Manufacturing systems
- Internet of things (IoT) based solutions
- Water treatment
These solutions have already been successfully implemented in several seafood companies across the Atlantic Area. You can find more detail here about the SAFER pilots.
Fill, sign and submit the application form (in pdf format) to by 29th July 2022, at 17:00 CEST. The application form and other related documents to this call can be accessed through the following links:
- Call announcement
- Guidance for applicants
- Application form
SAFER, or Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, is a transnational innovation project co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2014-2020, that aims to improve the innovation performance of the seafood industry by increasing technology adoption and transnational cooperation. SAFER project brings together 10 partners from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland and UK, presented under a triple-helix approach involving research centres (Atlantic Technological University) and private companies (Foodintech and APRIA Systems) bringing technological knowledge, development agencies (Údarás na Gaeltachta) supporting the industry, public authorities in charge of innovation agendas (Regional Government of Cantabria and Derry and Strabane District Council), sea cluster organizations (Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Forum Oceano) experienced in cluster networking and linked to the relevant stakeholders and crossborder and transnational networks (ERNACT and CPMR) to ensure transnational cooperation, dissemination and long-term effects by expanding project’s results to other Atlantic regions.
Please contact SAFER partnership at if you have any question!
Click here to email
Jose Manuel San Emeterio
at ERNACT Network for further information
SAFER extends its Open Call to implement pilots into seafood organisations
18 May 2022
SAFER partnership is extending the OpenCall to implement Industry 4.0 technological solutions - New deadline 29 July 2022
SAFER partnership is extending its Open Call to implement Industry 4.0 technological solutions that provide efficient processes, improved and sustainable production and aims to support the seafood industry through the introduction of new solutions that will help them to be more effective, competitive and sustainable. The new deadline to submit applications is 29 July 2022.
Organisations operating within the seafood sector, located in the Interreg Atlantic Area and interested in improving their processes and products by adopting new technologies and solutions.
We offer Industry 4.0 technological solutions that provide more efficient processes and improved and sustainable production. Participants can choose among 3 main types of solutions:
- Manufacturing systems
- Internet of things (IoT) based solutions
- Water treatment
These solutions have already been successfully implemented in several seafood companies across the Atlantic Area. You can find more detail here about the SAFER pilots.
Fill, sign and submit the application form (in pdf format) to by 29th July 2022, at 17:00 CEST. The application form and other related documents to this call can be accessed through the following links:
- Call announcement
- Guidance for applicants
- Application form
SAFER, or Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, is a transnational innovation project co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2014-2020, that aims to improve the innovation performance of the seafood industry by increasing technology adoption and transnational cooperation. SAFER project brings together 10 partners from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland and UK, presented under a triple-helix approach involving research centres (Atlantic Technological University) and private companies (Foodintech and APRIA Systems) bringing technological knowledge, development agencies (Údarás na Gaeltachta) supporting the industry, public authorities in charge of innovation agendas (Regional Government of Cantabria and Derry and Strabane District Council), sea cluster organizations (Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Forum Oceano) experienced in cluster networking and linked to the relevant stakeholders and crossborder and transnational networks (ERNACT and CPMR) to ensure transnational cooperation, dissemination and long-term effects by expanding project’s results to other Atlantic regions.
Please contact SAFER partnership at if you have any question!
Click here to email
Jose Manuel San Emeterio
at ERNACT Network for further information